New robotics year! Welcome everyone to the Techno Titans!
The Techno Titans Bootcamp is underway, with new and previous members choosing their sub-team (business, design, electrical, fabrication, or programming) and learning the cores skills they will need for the year ahead. Fabrication started with an in-depth discussion of what the subteam does during the season and gave a tour of our workspace. They learned where they would be working and what tools they would be using throughout the season. The week ended by the members starting a project that incorporates the proper and safe use of these tools. The Electrical subteam spent the week teaching its members what the subteam does, and core concepts they needed to know before heading to the workspace next week. Students spent the week learning basic electrical ideas that they will use with the robot and how those concepts work, along with learning FRC-specific electrical components. Programming student leaders spent the week teaching its new members about the basics of the robot code used for our robots. Advanced programming spent the week reviewing Java through a coding activity while the new members spent the week learning how to use Git (a software version control system). The Design subteam instructed its new members on what they do, what software they use (SolidWorks), and some basics on using SolidWorks. Members learned about the basics of CAD (Computer Aided Design), beginner design concepts, and FRC mechanisms they need to know. The Business Subteam has gotten off to a quick start this boot camp. They have started organizing events and project need to be completed in the near future, as well as teaching new members what software and social media platforms they needed to learn.
The week finished with a Saturday work session for readying Kaizen (our 2022 FRC robot) for the GRITS (Georgia Robotics Invitational Tournament and Showcase) competition on October 22-23.